Content Strategy

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Content Strategy

Content Strategy

Content strategy is the practice of planning, creating, delivering, and managing content in a consistent and sustainable manner in order to achieve an organization's goals. It encompasses the entire lifecycle of content, from creation to archiving, and includes a variety of tactics, such as keyword targeting, content curation, and content marketing. Content strategists typically focus on creating content that is valuable, relevant, engaging, and consistent with an organization's brand identity.

  • Create a consistent voice and messaging across all marketing channels
  • Provides valuable insights into your target audience and their needs
  • Provides a framework for assessing the success of your content marketing efforts
  • Connect with your audience through multiple learning formats

Digital strategy

Digital strategy is the process of developing a plan to use new technologies


Printed or digital piece of promotional material that contains information about a product or service

Social Media Poster

Visual graphic designed to be shared on social media platforms to promote a product or service